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Renewable Energies

Renewable Energies

MPA Engineering aims to be at the forefront of delivering renewable and sustainable energy projects. 

Capabilities include the construction and maintenance of:

  • Biomas fired cogeneration plants,
  • Wind farms and wind turbine sites and
  • Solar farms

This work includes supply and installation of the following:

  • Plant infrastructure including cabling, switchboards and switchrooms
  • Electrical and instrumentation works
  • Backup power generation (where applicable)

Our electricians are CEC (Clean Energy Council) accredited, and supported by our electrical engineers.

Contact MPA Engineering today to discuss how we can be of assistance.


Example project:

In early 2017 MPA Engineering completed the electrical installation (including design and manufacture of LV switchboards) and commissioning for the Yarra Valley Water Biogas Plant at Wollert, north of Melbourne, VIC (Yarra Valley Water is Victoria’s largest water utility). The facility is capable of generating 1MW of power 24 hours a day. About 100 tonnes of waste is trucked to the facility from markets and food manufacturing operations each day and the produced biogas is used to generate electricity. The generated power is used to run the local water treatment facility and any surplus is exported to the electricity grid.

The Yarra Valley Water biogas plant was the winner of the AD (Anaerobic Digestion) & Biogas Industry Award 2017 (held in the UK) for Best International Commercial Plant.